Friday, May 30, 2008

who else is liveblogging DMAC?

Doug posted the URL to his individual DMAC blog (which, Doug, wouldn't link for me, but I found a version in your profile... perhaps it's my morning wonkiness which is making it not work for me). Here's mine:

Anybody else liveblogging (which I am guessing just means keeping public notes of your DMAC experience on your personal blog)? Let us know.


Douglas Walls, PhD said...
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Douglas Walls, PhD said...

OOOOOPPS! No, I didn't get the html tag right. More about my morning fuzzyness than anything else. Here you go if you don't want to scroll back here you go: Doug's
Digital Media and Composition 2008 LIVE!

J. James Bono said...

I'm not liveblogging, but I've been Twittering like mad!