Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Difference Between DV and DV-NTSC

On Friday our group had a question about the difference between DV format and DV-NTSC which we capture all our video on. Everyone, myself included, assumed that the NTSC simply referred to the standard Western interlace screen format and would have no bearing on our final output.

I have found--painfully--that depending on what kind of editing you are doing, the formats do matter. For instance, if you are mixing in video captured from your iSight or are converting jpegs into movie files, iMovie will use DV. So, if you are, like I am attempting, combing footage into a single video track, you will get some weird rendering effects. Basically, the DV format will turn the DV-NTSC video into the end of the day, signal test screen with the multiple colored pixels.

However, I should stress this is only an issue if you are combining different formats into one track through filters. This does not obtain if you are simply putting clips side by side. Also, there are workarounds for this. You simply need to convert one format to another.


Ryan said...

On second thought, I'm still having some problems so that moment of success may have just been a fluke. So forget what I just said until I track down the fluke.

Ryan said...

No, I was right. For some reason I needed to do the reverse of what worked the first time (converting NTSC to DV Stream). I hope no one is suffering like I am right now.

Isn't technology grand?

J. James Bono said...

And how, exactly, did you fix this? After my second crash now I'm ready to throw the computer out the window.

Ryan said...

That may be a different problem. iMovie does crash a lot, just not as much as Windows Movie Maker.

My program is not crashing. It is screwing up the interlace so that I get a test signal instead of a coherent video signal in one of the feeds.

What I am doing is converting the non-NTSC footage into NTSC with a program called MPEG Streamer. But, for now anyway, I have to then convert the NTSC footage to a DV Stream compression to get it to match. This allows me to composite two video tracks.

This is really a horrendous plan that I have embarked on . . .