Sunday, June 1, 2008

Hi all,

At last I'm feeling marginally less overwhelmed.

Last night, my confreres and I were talking about our responses to the Kitchen Sisters' Lost and Found Sound piece, and I said that I feel like I need to develop strategies for both myself and for my students to facilitate the ability to listen, just like I do when I approach an alphabetic text. And I'd love to talk about the structure of their piece and the choices they made and the differences those choices made to the end product. That's what's had me thinking.

And now on a different note, while I'm struggling with my video, I'm also loving the absorption and concentration I'm able to achieve. (Love those noise-cancelling headphones!) I never feel this way writing; writing has always been a slow, painful process--even blogs and emails. I think I must be getting the tiniest taste of what my husband (who's a painter) experiences when he's in the zone. By the way, he uses text as a kind of substratum of the overall painting. The text is from his critical work (he does reviews for ArtForum, among other publications) and the editing process. That's one of his pieces at the top of my post.

Gettin' all digital,

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